Please call 1DB trading desk at (561) 515-3200 if you have order(s) to enter outside of the regular market hours (9:30 am to 4:00 pm EST).
Instructions to retrieve 2023 Tax Documents are found under Resource Center – Tax Forms.

Investment Bill of Rights

Clarity is the cornerstone of trust between investors and their financial representatives.
1st Discount Brokerage is committed to clarity through full and unambiguous disclosure, as well as enhanced understanding of the securities markets.

We believe that the needs of the investor should always come first. As an investor, you have important rights, including the right to high quality products and services from us.

At the same time, investors need to shoulder certain responsibilities themselves — for example, to plan carefully to meet their investment goals, to stay informed about the risks and rewards of their investments, and to keep us informed of changes in your goals or lifestyle that would affect your investments.

Your Rights As An Investor

As an investor, you have the right:

Quality Service

  • To be treated in a fair, ethical, and respectful manner in all interactions with us, our employees and affiliates.
  • To receive competent and courteous service and advice at a fair price.
  • To select your own Independent Financial Consultant or request a different one if you are not satisfied.
  • To move your account to another Independent Financial Consultant or a new investment firm whenever you wish in a simple, efficient manner.

Full, Clear Reporting

  • To clear, accurate, easy-to-understand descriptions of all your transactions, statements, and other communications from  us.
  • To be informed clearly about all the costs associated with your account and the costs related to individual transactions, including commissions, sales charges (or loads), and other fees.
  • To accurate and timely regular statements of your account, including detailed transactional information.
  • To be provided with clear descriptions of our policies and practices for protecting the privacy of non-public, personal information.

Responsible Investment Advice

  • To be provided with responsible investment recommendations based on your personal objectives, time horizon, risk tolerance, and other factors, as disclosed by you.
  • To be apprised of significant conflicts of interest identified in a financial relationship between you and your Independent Financial Consultant/1DB.
  • To expect that we will provide professional assistance to help you clarify your investment goals and risk tolerance.
  • To be able to rely on our assistance in setting realistic expectations about the long-term performance and associated risks of various securities. We will present you with reasonable investment alternatives designed to meet those expectations, and disclose the comparative risks, benefits, and costs.

Prompt, Fair Resolution Of Problems

  • To fair consideration and a prompt response from us, if any problem with your account ever arises.
  • To a clearly defined process for raising and resolving a complaint. We will provide you with full information about this process, particularly about how you can elevate an issue to the appropriate level of our management to gain satisfaction.
  • To be apprised of alternatives if we are unable to resolve a dispute to your satisfaction.