Savvy Savings from $5 to $10 per week


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#Saving money is a blast! Think about it, for every cent we save on anything – that money can be invested to earn money for us. Today’s saving idea is for #gasoline. Just this morning I compared regular gasoline prices within a 7 mile radius from my office. The prices ranged from $1.79 to $2.39 per gallon or a .60 cent differential per gallon. Which adds up to a $12 saving on a 20 gallon fill-up.

Gas is an expenditure that we can easily save $5 to $10 per week. Investing $10 a week adds up to $520 per year. By investing our weekly gasoline savings of $10 weekly over the course of 20 years at 6% compounded, grows to $21,943.

So how do we get started? I use the app. This site shows the cheapest gasoline prices near me. Why pay a higher price when it is unnecessary. The savings are immediate and can add up quickly.