1DB Family Kitchen

Welcome to “1DB Family Kitchen”, the place where we will share insights and stories that usually do not see the light of day. But since you are in 1DB Family Kitchen, you will get to see what goes on behind the double doors.

1DB started out as boutique brokerage firm with a community feel to it – created by William “Chip” Corley as a way for him to connect closer to his clients and be able to see the difference that he can make in the lives of customers and their families by serving the majority of their financial needs.  The goal was to become a full-service “family CFO” practice which included investment brokerage, retirement planning, insurance service and an in-house CPA. Family CFO was meant to assist you and your family to make educated financial decisions and to take the burden of every day financial planning away from busy customers.

Chip was ahead of times, as he often is (he is also ahead of most of us when he regularly competes in triathlons, Iron Man and various marathons). Chip’s vision of a “family CFO” was less popular in the late 90s and early 2000s than the thrills of day-trading, instant gratification of easy credit and seemingly ever-rising real estate prices. Being quick on his feet, Chip adapted to the fast-paced days of “all Internet” and grew 1DB to a formidable mid-size regional brokerage firm, where clients could trade on-line and through financial consultants, depending on their personal preference. We are family here – we are here for our clients.

Gradually, as our economy went through a number of serious transformations and as our lives have gotten increasingly busy, the concept of “family CFO” has become much more attractive. Staying ahead of the curve, Chip is back in the Family Kitchen, preparing offerings such as:

–          Individual portfolio management (discretionary or non-discretionary);

–          Retirement consulting and management services;

–          Financial planning services.

1DB team is here to help you manage your investments in the same way as your family doctor helps to maintain your family’s health. We will assess your financial condition, suggest improvements if needed, provide services which we believe are in the best interests of your financial well-being, and will have scheduled check-ups to make sure all is going according to plan.

We are here for you and invite you to stop by our Family Kitchen!