Asset Allocation When it comes to saving and investing, I’ve learned over the course of my 35-year career as a financial advisor, entrepreneur, and professional investor, that diversification matters significantly. Which assets should prudent players focus their time, energy, and resources on? The National Bureau of Economic Research Rate of Return on Everything has been tabulating returns
read more What’s the Best Investment?Author: chip
S&P 500 ↓9.1%
Stocks have fallen by 9%, is now the time to bolt or buy?
read more S&P 500 ↓9.1%A Closer Look at Household Debt
U.S. Gross Domestic Product which measures the output of all goods and services approximates $21.5 trillion annually. Of that, consumers, you and I, account for nearly 70% of total output. So, if household spending is our nation’s primary driver or economic growth – how indebted is the household sector as a percentage of income? Ironically,
read more A Closer Look at Household DebtCannabis High or Bust?
The Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement of 2019 or M.O.R.E. for short, is a bill expected to be voted on by Congress this year to decriminalize cannabis, aka, marijuana. In 1970, President Nixon signed into law the Controlled Substances Act forbidding any use of cannabis including medical in the United States. Remarkably, or unremarkably, depending
read more Cannabis High or Bust?